Friday, November 9, 2012

Nooks Available for Check out at the Girls Academy

The girls academy have 30 Nooks for student check-out.  Here are the steps for checking out a Nook.

  • Pick up a Nook Permission Form from the library or ELA teacher.
  • Complete the form including a parent signature and return to the library.
  • Your name will be put on a waiting list.
  • Waiting lists will be posted on the library door.
  • Nooks will be checked out every Tuesday morning.  Check the list to see if it is your turn.
  • Nooks are kept for one week and are returned on Monday by the end of the day
  • Nooks can be used in the classroom with teacher permission.

Click here to access a Nook Permission Form to print and return. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Spooky Poem Contest Winners

The girls at YWLA participated in a "Spooky Poem Contest" to reinforce poetry writing skills they were working on in the classroom. We have over 100 entries which were posted on the outside of the library and judged by a group of ELA teachers.  Below are the winners of the contest. Great writing girls!